Wednesday, December 30, 2009

SO(ul) Amazing

Finished this earlier this month. Just got around to posting it to the hyper global mega net.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Hey gang,

Its been a while but as always you all keep it growing.

*three thumbs up*

Friday, December 11, 2009

Healthy eating with Mshindo! Big ups!!

I'm posting a link to this article to show how our work can impact the youth in a real and effective way. Mshindo has been promoting healthy eating with the book he's illustrated called Charles the Chef. Check it.

Monday, December 07, 2009

I ain scared o you mutha fuggahs!

Sorry for being MIA for so long y'all. I'm full time freelance now and it's been a straight GRIND! Here's something that I'm able to post tho.

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Sunday, December 06, 2009

Art if a Gift

Hi Everybody,
If you're in L.A. and free on Saturday, December 12 - be sure to cruise by New Puppy Gallery ( and check out the "Art is a Gift" Show. This will be my last show of the year and it'll be cool to just hang out and chill with some cool cats.. Hope to see you there!
Post any off topic random crapola here