Wednesday, December 10, 2008

With the help of some friends, I have compiled a roster of talented artists to contribute to a weekly sketch jam by invitation only. Every week or so we will settle on an idea and will each take a stab at illustrating the concept. The level of completion can be anything from a rough sketch to a finished rendering. This blog is intended, for those who are involved, to be an opportunity to challenge one another, to challenge ourselves, and to connect with our contemporaries in the field.
"there is no secret ingredient..."
hot drawing skills
+ words of wisdom
baba Dawud!
great stuff, fam!
Hot dayyyyyummmm!
He got knocked da f*ck out!
He stepped up and his girl still cheated on him even after he got jumped by his rival's cronies later that night!?!
I'm wondering how did he close the gap and connect with the punch or does he have a serious reach advantage?
--- :-) ---
Actually his girl was all over him that night and they will be announcing their engagement this week. The rival dude packed up and left the city in shame.
Sike I DON"T KNOW!!!! But I like a happy ending! LOL!
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