Victory at the Battle on the Bayou!

Siggraph Convention, New Orleans
The contest rules were as follows: Finish a digital painting in 20 minutes. The topic would be announced and styluses would be handed out at the start of the clock. We were judged by industry professionals based on the use of Photoshop technology, technique and relevance to the topic. It was done in the center of the convention center live in front of a crowd of convention attendants. There were about 7 other contestants. 20 Minutes never flew by so fast! The topics were Sports activity or persona. I chose boxing, the only sport I care about. The prize was a set of Bose earbuds and a legitimate (wink, nudge) copy of Photoshop CS4. The second topic was called "Under the sea" I painted a submersible illuminating the sea floor. A cloud of bubbles coming from the propellers. The first contest I was sure that I would win but the second victory was a real surprise. Grand prize, Macbook Pro 2.55GHz Intel Cor Duo with 4 GB 1067 Mhz DDR3
I never win anything so this is a rare occassion! I emailed the lady who presented the prize to see if I could get a copy of the actual paintings. I will post them as soon as I get them.
WOW! congratulations! what a cool story... that's a great contest, and i'm glad you were able to smash on 'em!
Taking no prisoners and showing them how its done in '09.
Heartfelt congratulations brother!
Mama said knock them out. And you did. Big Up!
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