First Day Of Old School!

This is my memory of the first day of school. You know, feeling alone, nervous. I went to school back in the day (early 70's) so clothes were mad corny! LOL! I don't remember what I really wore but believe me it was wack! This drawing is not really me but a facsimile thereof (I'm serious . . . it's not me!). Haha! My head was big but not that big. As far as the graff on the walls, I just put that in the drawing 'cause I can't resist hitting up on a blank wall in my illustrations sometimes!
Oh yeah, check out the "Land of the Giants" lunchbox. Anybody remember that show? It was the booooommmb!
I saved the step-by-steps this time for everybody.
Basically, I sketched it with a blue colored pencil, scanned it and painted in photoshop. It took me a few hours to paint but I tried not to get too detailed.
Hope ya likes.
Yeaahhhhhhh Boyyyyyyeeeee! Thats tight right there. Love that . I really like the hair on this for some reason.
Man I thought i was the only kid with high waters in school.
man that's a tight sketch! and some tight pants!!
The hair is doooope! How did you do it?
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