Bart Station in Oakland

Part I
Part II
I can honestly say I have taken part in every aspect of Hip Hop - Grafitti, Taggin', Dancing (Breakin' - housing - etc), Rapping and Beat making). In this and future videos will be introducing you to my other skills such as music production and Rhymin' (Rappin). This is only part 1 of this demo - Part 2 will be uploaded soon
This was a late night mission. I took my easel, canvas, brushes, paint and iPod to the train station and painted the scene. I recently moved to Oakland and have been fascinated with the Bart (train) Stations ever since. This image took about 2.5 -3 hours. It was really fun to do - with all of the people getting off of the train watching me. There was one passenger who started photographing me as I painted. It was an extremely thrilling scene with him snapping shots from different angles, other by standers watching and me painting as I jammed away listening to my favorite tunes.
Thanks for viewing'
This is really cool! I also live in the Bay. This was a tight idea, and I love the way it turned out :)
Nice work Dawood! Is this done in acrylic?
Hey thanks guys'
Yea' the is acrylics.
Very cool.
Hey Yall'
I posted part 2 for you all to see how the picture finalized.
Thanks for the great energy...
... Since my man Barack did a 20 month race for the oval office - I am going to do a 20 month "Creation of Controlled Kaos."
Yeah' I like that.
"Creation of Controlled Kaos."
This will be 20 months of non-stop skill thrashing where I will do my best to push myself and others to produce a generation of dauntingly awesome work.
During this period I will strive like there is no tomorrow to work my hands like an Olympian of Phelps proportion.
This will not be easy with the 9 to 5 and a family to raise, but thats the beauty of the challenge - it's like "How Much Do You Really Want It."
Any one who is interested in doing this with me - the more the better. I know I will need support and ass pats don't hurt either.
This will be a period of time that I and who ever joints on will produce more work in a 20 month period than ever before. Look at it as if what ever your ultimate goal in life (in regards to your art) is wait for you at the finish line.
What's really good??
I've been checking the All-Stars for a minute but where's the All-Star action??
I'm definitely hear you. I'm going to push myself harder and get crAzy. I'm not promising myself 20-months but I'm going to make 2008 4th quarter period count. I'll see where that takes me into 2009.
Check out my blog
subscribe, bookmark it or whatever. We've been posting stuff consistently 5-7 times a week. And I'm trying to go harder.
Dawood, I'm glad I read that last comment, you inspired me to step it up a bit more!
Thanks for the post! Hot clip! I like the fact that you are promoting more than just your talent to draw but much more of the skill set that you posess within! The tracks are hot! Hope we can knock something out together in the future!
I also like your traditional approach to doing your work on the streets and away from the computer. I love the computer but I too like traditional painting and drawing and I am inspired to see you do this.
20 month Olympic style creations huh? WOW! Great idea! I have been knocked off balance over the years but I am still standing and will have to apply some artistic push ups and crunches to my routine as well! Keep laying down the blueprints and continue to inspire the rest of the the world man!
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